We offer a range of training and development opportunities for primary and secondary care staff in south east London.
The South East London Cancer Alliance are launching seven new bitesize modules to support primary care professionals to identify patients who require an urgent suspected cancer referral.
Each module - which can be completed within 10 minutes - will focus on a specific cancer or group of cancers, with the following modules now available to access here:
- Myeloma
- Lung cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Head and Neck cancer, includes focus on oral cancer
- Oesophageal cancer
- Brian and Central Nervous System cancer
- Ovarian cancer
The final modules on ovarian cancer will released before summer 2024.
The modules have been designed by SELCA in collaboration with the Guy’s Cancer Academy, along with clinical input from GP Cancer Leads and secondary care consultants. The modules aim to:
- Refresh professionals’ knowledge of cancer symptoms.
- Provide guidance regarding diagnostic tests, including information on local urgent direct access diagnostic pathways.
- Provide key insights from secondary care.
- Share case studies of patients from presentation to diagnosis.
See our latest events here.
You can view recordings of previous training webinars here.
We frequently partner with Guy’s Cancer Academy to provide high-quality cancer education for healthcare professionals, patients, and carers.
The King’s Health Partners Learning Hub offers free training on a wide range of topics, including cancer, for staff from:
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, including Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust;
- King’s College London;
- King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust;
- South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust;
- Other healthcare staff working in Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham.