This page brings together a number of websites and resources designed to support patients, their carers, friends, and family through a diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

In collaboration with The Baked Bean Charity and healthcare professionals across our three south east London NHS Trusts, we have created a new patient leaflet for people with a learning disability or autism. The leaflet contains information in easy read. Easy read information uses simple language and pictures and it can be useful if you want information that is easier to understand.

Find out more: Easy read cancer information :: South East London Cancer Alliance ( 

A new video from South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA) patients is sharing practical tips on how to overcome some of the concerns and make the best of your virtual consultations. Watch the video here.

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Cancer and treatments can lead to many side effects- fatigue, pain, poor sleep, low mood and weight changes.

The good news that physical activity and exercise can help in all these areas.

If you need information on how to be active with a cancer diagnosis, visit our online resource here for our module specifically designed to help you be physically active throughout your entire cancer journey.

To find out what physical activity and exercise are please visit our page here!

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Dimbleby Cancer Care is a support and information service based at Guy’s Cancer Centre for patients and their carers from south east London and west Kent. The staff work closely with the clinical teams to make sure you have all the information and support you need while having cancer treatment at Guy's and St Thomas'. 

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Macmillan drop-in cancer information centre at King’s College Hospital provides help and support if you are living with – or have survived – cancer. They also can assist your carers, your relatives and your friends. 

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

The Macmillan advice and guidance service is based at the University Hospital Lewisham. They work with clinical nurse specialists to provide holistic care to cancer patients, including phone support, information, and recommending cancer support resources and services. 

Having cancer can affect all aspects of life, including relationships, work, finance, emotional wellbeing.  Social prescribing can help with concerns in these areas, by providing things like access to health and wellbeing support, help with exercise and diet, financial advice or help with housing issues.

Social prescribing is now available in all areas of south east London enabling people to access help with facing difficulties close to home.

The Healthy London Partnership produced this useful video on what social prescribing is.

Your GP can refer you to a social prescriber and in some boroughs you can self refer.  More information about your local social prescribing service can be found here under 'Social prescribing borough contacts'.

After some types of cancer treatment, people can develop lymphoedema.

According to the NHS website: ‘Lymphoedema is a long-term (chronic) condition that causes swelling in the body's tissues. It can affect any part of the body, but usually develops in the arms or legs.

It develops when the lymphatic system does not work properly. The lymphatic system is a network of channels and glands throughout the body that helps fight infection and remove excess fluid.

It's important that lymphoedema is identified and treated as soon as possible. If it is not treated, it can get worse.

If you think you would benefit from seeing a lymphoedema specialist, there are lymphoedema services available in each of the South East London boroughs. Please ask to be referred – your GP, nurse or hospital team can do this for you and there are services in each of the South East London boroughs. 


If you have been referred for treatment, there are things you can do to help yourself while you are waiting to be seen:

  1. UK NHS Lymphoedema Network Wales specialists and patients have created a collection of 13 short films to help you understand and manage your lymphoedema.
  2. Cancer Wellbeing London have produced a series of videos demonstrating exercises for patients with lymphoedema’
  3. LymphConnect is an online platform to help patients manage their lymphoedema and link with other patients for support.
  4. The Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) provides comprehensive information for patients, offering guidance on treatment, self-management, common questions, and support groups. The LSN can also help you locate your nearest lymphoedema service. 

As you finish your main cancer treatments or move to maintenance (e.g. hormonal) therapy, and you're feeling ready to focus on overall health, consider reaching and maintaining a healthy weight if you're currently overweight.

Adding regular activity to your routine not only makes you stronger but also helps with things like fatigue. These choices play a big part in keeping you healthy and feeling your best. These lifestyle choices help lower the chances of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers or cancer coming back.


If you feel you would benefit from support for weight management, please speak to your healthcare professional as there are weight management services available in each of the South East London boroughs.

Please note: if you are still in the middle of active cancer treatment, dealing with strong side effects, or have specific nutritional needs, it is best to speak with a dietitian for expert advice. You can ask your Hospital Team or GP to refer you.


Patient resources and information

Cancer Care Map -


World Cancer Research Fund

  • Weight gain during cancer treatment | Cancer side-effects | WCRF (
  • Be a healthy weight

Macmillan Cancer Support

  • Managing weight gain after cancer treatment
  • Move more


Better Health (NHS) Easy ways to eat well and move more


Prostate Cancer UK


Breast Cancer Now


Free App:

NHS Weight Loss Plan (12-week diet & exercise plan)

Cancer Wellbeing London advertises cancer health and wellbeing information activities and seminars run by the NHS in your area.  There are short videos providing advice on common concerns and there are links to the major cancer charities.

The Cancer Care Map is an online directory that helps people find cancer care and support services in their local area.

Cancer Research UK has a range of resources to manage the emotional, physical and practical effects of cancer.

Macmillan Cancer Support offer emotional, physical and financial support from the moment you’re diagnosed.

Borough wellbeing hubs

A number of the south east London boroughs provide information and support for residents’ wellbeing.

NHS Live Well

NHS Live Well provides advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.

Accessibility tools

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