New pan-London research fellowships launched

Published on: 20 August 2021

The four London Cancer Alliances are pleased to announce a new round of 12-month research fellowships for 2021/22.

The potential areas of focus for the projects are:

  • Cancer inequalities: exploring variations in all aspects of cancer care throughout the patient journey, including screening, treatment and supportive care.
  • Personalised care of people living with and beyond cancer: optimisation of patient management during and after cancer treatment to improve quality of life and clinical outcomes.

Please see the guidance below for more details, as well as a project proposal template. Initially, potential supervisors are asked to submit project titles and a short brief describing the project using the proposal template.

Up to four research fellows will be funded thanks to continued support from The Royal Marsden/The Institute of Cancer Research BRC.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 24 September 2021.

Please contact Dr Michelle Chen at with any questions or for further information.

Pan-London Research Fellowships Guidance 2021/22

Pan-London Research Fellowships Proposal Template 2021/22

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